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Glad you are checking in on the blog. You'll find that it is mostly focused on skin care but I may occasionally write about other things. Know the skin your in is also about being comfortable with one's self and sharing that with you. Be it about beauty or personal life. As a mom, I may be compelled to speak of my children. When it strikes me of course.

Please share any thoughts or questions you may have. I will do my best to reply. Have a product that your not sure about, ask me, happy to do the research or share my thoughts on it.

I do have three little ones at home so it makes it hard to blog regularly. However, I will do my best!

Thanks for stopping by.

Be Blessed, Be Healthy and Be Beautiful!

*The material appearing on this web site is intended for educational use only. It should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


Monday, February 23, 2015

Queen of the Nile, Cleopatra's Milk Bath

Now I am not sure how much truth there is to this, as it was way before my time but it has been said that Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt loved to take Milk Bathes. If we remember the movie with Elizabeth Taylor playing Cleopatra, there is a scene where she is taking the famous milk bath. History or myth states that it was specifically,  Donkeys milk. I don't know about you, but I can't imagine some poor soul milking donkeys to benefit her skin. What could possibly have been the benefits of it and does it still hold up today?

Since I can't get my hands on donkeys milk (not that I want to) I decided to share information on another type of milk with perhaps not so well known facts. Buttermilk. We know that Buttermilk is used in many foods, especially a family favorite, pancakes. It is an excellent source of potassium, vitamin B12, riboflavin, phosphorus and calcium. Rich in Lactic Acid and low in fat. Many people hear buttermilk and think that it is fatty but so not the case. Buttermilk is the remaining byproduct after making butter, so much of the fat has been removed for butter. It is a probiotic food that contains the type of bacteria which instead of being harmful, has great health benefits. So if you are lactose intolerant or have digestive issues, Buttermilk is a great option for you. I like to mix some in to my kids bottles when their stomachs are acting up. Works great. 

Buttermilk on your skin? Yes, used as a facial mask it softens, brightens and exfoliates the skin to give it a younger appearance. At the same time, the natural acids, work as an astringent. Lactic acid lightens blemishes, dark spots while tightening the sagging skin by boosting collagen. One company that stands out in its use of Buttermilk is Burt's Bees. Many of their lotions contain Buttermilk. 

Want to reap the benefits from this powerful ingredient, Make your own buttermilk Mask or scrub.

Buttermilk Avena Mask

2 Tbsp Buttermilk
2 Tbsp Oatmeal (Finely Ground)
1 tsp Honey

Mix into a paste, let dry on skin and rinse with lukewarm water.
Pat dry and follow with your favorite skin Toner. 

Buttermilk Coconut Scrub
(You want to make this as needed)
4 Tbsp Buttermilk
4 Tbsp Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
1/2 Cup Raw Sugar
Mix in a bowl and off to the shower you go.
Rub scrub all over your body in circles moving upward to exfoliate skin and rinse.

NOTE: If you can manage, let it sit on skin for a bit before rinsing off. So when you jump in shower wet your skin and turn off the water. Apply scrub and shampoo your hair. By the time your ready to rinse your hair,  turn water back on and you can rinse away scrub as well. 

Hope you will make use of this fabulous natural ingredient. I promise that you will love the Buttermilk. You may not want to fill your tub with it but a mask or scrub is absolutely doable. 

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As always, Be Blessed, Be Healthy and Be Beautiful!

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