
Welcome friends

Glad you are checking in on the blog. You'll find that it is mostly focused on skin care but I may occasionally write about other things. Know the skin your in is also about being comfortable with one's self and sharing that with you. Be it about beauty or personal life. As a mom, I may be compelled to speak of my children. When it strikes me of course.

Please share any thoughts or questions you may have. I will do my best to reply. Have a product that your not sure about, ask me, happy to do the research or share my thoughts on it.

I do have three little ones at home so it makes it hard to blog regularly. However, I will do my best!

Thanks for stopping by.

Be Blessed, Be Healthy and Be Beautiful!

*The material appearing on this web site is intended for educational use only. It should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Your skin and the sun

Here's a great article discussing the dangers of sun worshiping and ways to protect your skin.

I'm a firm believer that the best thing for your skin is limited time in the sun. Take the time to inform yourself and protect the only skin you'll ever have.

Be proactive and remember to start your kids, if you have any, early on the lessons of good skin care.

Hope you find the article informative. ARTICLE

As always, Be Blessed, Be Healthy and Be Beautiful!


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Dreaded Imbedded Guest

Acne Cysts - The Dreaded Imbedded Guest

For those of you that are not familiar with Acne Cysts, consider yourselves lucky. They can be very painful and unsightly. Leaving behind scared skin, hyper pigmentation and leaving you feeling a bit self conscious. If not paranoid that every one is staring at the dreaded imbedded unwelcomed guest.

Recently, dealing with a client that was complaining of acne but noting it was painfu. The acne lesion itself just appeared as a dark bump on her skin. Slightly raised, red and tender to touch. Feels almost like a mass or ball in the skin. Having asked her had she ever been diagnosed, she mentioned a previous diagnosis by a dermatologist of Actinic Cysts or Cystic Acne.

The client mentioned that she tends to pick at her face out of habit. Anyone with acne knows that the touching of your face is a no, no but an unfortunate habit. A ritual created by trying to rid them faster by squeezing. What some people don't realize is that squeezing or popping the pustule "pimple" is the worst thing you can do. This will only make matters worse, spreading the bacteria over the skin and in the case of cystic acne, forcing bacteria within exasperating the problem. So if your wondering why that so called pimple keeps coming back it because your not handling it right.

Now there are many causes of acne. There's the foods we eat, the detergents we use to cleanse are skin, allergies, hormones, medicines, stress and exercise, etc. Seeing a doctor is yor best way to find out the cause or rule things out.

Actinic cysts are manageable with medications like birth control pills, injections of cortisone and topical treatments containing benzoyl peroxide or Alpha Hydroxy (AHA). Going to your dermatologist at least once a year is important but can get expense with treatments. Seeing an Esthetician for proper facial cleansing in between appointments is definitely recommended. However, there is still the expense to consider.

Here is an idea I recommended and I think it can help with some of you that deal with acne and acne cysts.

Step one: Use and oil free facial wash. A soapy cleanser is best. Wash face with look warm water. Pat dry.
Step two: With a cotton ball, clean face again with 3% Benzoyl Peroxide wait about a minute to remove. Cleanse skin with cold water. Pat dry.
Step Three: Use a toner formulated for oily skin tone or your basic witch hazel.
Step Four: If during the day moisturize, then SPF25 or higher.
If at night serum for eyes, and moisturize

Something I suggest is PanOxyl Bar 10%, which combines steps one and two. It contains Benzoyl Peroxide as one of its active ingredients. Plus, It can also be used on the chest and back for those that get acne on their body. They also make a acne foaming wash that is equally good. Roughly $6 a bar. Worth it! I also like the Differen line to treat acne and hyperpigmentation caused by the acne.

For toners, I of course love L'Bels toners that moisturize while toning but another recommendation I can make is Dicksonson's Witch Hazel for $3 or Aqua Glycolic Toner about $14. This will help to give your skin that added touch of clean that the soap may have missed.

Acne serums, I like Origins Super Spot Remover acne treatment gel. Just a little dab helps get rid of trouble spots faster. It runs close to $14. For hyper pigmentation "dark spots", I like L'Bel Clarifique Focalized Action Cream. It contains Kojic Acid, an active ingredient proven to lighten spots, cost $38. Also, a neat trick is to take cotton balls wet with Visine eye drops and freeze them. Place them on Papule a.k.a. pimple until thawed then discard. This helps with inflammation.

Moisturizers and SPF's, use an oil free product like CeraVe facial moisturizing lotion AM, dual moisturizer and SPF. Cost about $12. They have a PM that is great too. And Cetaphil UVA/UVB Defense SPF50 for the daytime. Cost about $15.

None of this is going to be a miracle cure, diet and healthy living plays its role too. Don't underestimate the importance of seeing your dermatologist for help. And an esthetician for maintenance. They have the knowledge and tools to help with whatever your skin issues maybe.

I do hope this helps many of you. Good luck and please feel free to share your personal experiences.

As always, Be Blessed, Be Healthy and Be Beautiful!