
Welcome friends

Glad you are checking in on the blog. You'll find that it is mostly focused on skin care but I may occasionally write about other things. Know the skin your in is also about being comfortable with one's self and sharing that with you. Be it about beauty or personal life. As a mom, I may be compelled to speak of my children. When it strikes me of course.

Please share any thoughts or questions you may have. I will do my best to reply. Have a product that your not sure about, ask me, happy to do the research or share my thoughts on it.

I do have three little ones at home so it makes it hard to blog regularly. However, I will do my best!

Thanks for stopping by.

Be Blessed, Be Healthy and Be Beautiful!

*The material appearing on this web site is intended for educational use only. It should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


Thursday, November 10, 2016

Happy Veterans Day 2016

This Veteran's Day, amongst the madness in our country, I stand proudly next to my husband,  a United States Marine Corps Veteran, still serving. An  immigrant to this country who joined because he felt an obligation to give back. A college graduate, an outstanding father, a loving son, law enforcement officer and a citizen of service to this great country that he loves so much.  

There isn't a day that goes by where I question my choices in life because they brought me to him.   As an American, he has taught me the value in not taking this country for granted.  Next to loving God, I know I can love this country with great pride because I know he stands behind it. 

My prayers are for all that are fighting right now to not get lost in the drama of thoughtless outspokenness in politics. Remember we all want the same thing more or less. For our country to remain better then most, for the people of this nation to have a say in how this country operates and that equality should not be determined by cashflow, race or gender. Lets not tear each other apart and insight hate, but let us come together. Take the time to thank the selfless men and women in uniform who do what most are unwilling so that democracy can live. Show appreciation to the Gold Star families who sacrificed a family member so that we can all go on living the way we do. Be grateful for what you have. 

To my husband,

You came to this country in search of a better life. You fought in defense of our great nation and still wear the uniform because you believe it is worth standing up for. I have so much respect for you as a person, as a man, my partner and father of our three beautiful children. There isn't a day that goes by where I am not proud and grateful for all that we have. 

If all we have is the roof over our head and the smiles of our childrens faces, we are better then most. Thank you for your service. I love you very much. Semper Fi.

With great pride,


Be Blessed, Be happy and Be Healthy!