
Welcome friends

Glad you are checking in on the blog. You'll find that it is mostly focused on skin care but I may occasionally write about other things. Know the skin your in is also about being comfortable with one's self and sharing that with you. Be it about beauty or personal life. As a mom, I may be compelled to speak of my children. When it strikes me of course.

Please share any thoughts or questions you may have. I will do my best to reply. Have a product that your not sure about, ask me, happy to do the research or share my thoughts on it.

I do have three little ones at home so it makes it hard to blog regularly. However, I will do my best!

Thanks for stopping by.

Be Blessed, Be Healthy and Be Beautiful!

*The material appearing on this web site is intended for educational use only. It should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tweet from Elizabeth (@SkinYourIn)

Elizabeth (@SkinYourIn)
a traveling Wife: DIY Eye Makeup Remover… I use distilled water so that it last longer so the water does not go bad.